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5 Key Reports Every Sales Leader Should Implement In HubSpot CRM

Written by Alex Enache | Feb 26, 2024 6:19:08 PM

In the fast-paced world of sales, staying ahead of the curve is essential. As a sales leader, you're constantly seeking ways to optimise your team's performance, identify areas for improvement, and ultimately drive revenue growth. One powerful tool in your arsenal is the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, and when it comes to CRMs, HubSpot is a leading choice for many businesses.

HubSpot offers a plethora of features tailored to sales teams, including robust reporting capabilities. By leveraging HubSpot reporting effectively, you can gain valuable insights into your team's activities, pipeline health, and overall performance. In this blog post, we'll explore five essential HubSpot sales reports that every sales leader should implement in their CRM.


1. Goal Tracking Reports 

Every KPI your sales reps need to hit should be part of your dashboards, so you can monitor the performance not only across revenue but also other aspects of the funnel such as the number of deals created by your reps.

There are different ways you can build these reports, but our favourite one is the Gauge visualisation. 

2. Deal Forecast Reports

Accurate sales forecasting is crucial for effective resource allocation and strategic decision-making. Building Forecast Reports in HubSpot allows you to predict future revenue by analysing the status and value of deals in your pipeline. By categorising deals based on their stage (e.g., Appointment Scheduled, Qualified to buy, Contract sent) and probability of closure, you can estimate the likelihood of hitting your revenue targets and take proactive measures to address any potential gaps.

Before setting up Deal Forecast reports, please ensure you adjust your deal win probabilities in the Deal Settings:


After the deal probabilities are set, our recommendation would be to build an unweighted an weighted version of your pipeline:


3. Pipeline Performance Analysis Reports

Your sales pipeline is the lifeline of your business, representing the journey from lead generation to deal closure. Pipeline Performance Analysis reports enables you to assess the health and efficiency of your pipeline by examining key metrics such as pipeline velocity or conversion rates at each stage. By identifying bottlenecks or areas of leakage, you can implement strategies to optimise your pipeline and accelerate the sales cycle.

4. Activity Tracking Reports

Successful sales outcomes are often the result of consistent, high-quality sales activities. Activity Tracking Reports in HubSpot allows you to monitor the activities performed by your sales team, such as calls, emails, meetings, and demos. By analysing activity volume, response rates, and engagement levels, you can gauge the effectiveness of your team's outreach efforts and identify opportunities for coaching or training to improve performance.

5. Lead Source Analysis Reports 

Understanding where your leads are coming from is essential for allocating marketing resources effectively and optimising your lead generation strategies. Lead Source Analysis reports provide insights into the sources that drive the most qualified leads and ultimately contribute to revenue generation. Whether it's inbound marketing, outbound prospecting, referrals, or partnerships, this reports help you identify which channels are yielding the highest ROI and adjust your marketing mix accordingly.



In today's competitive landscape, sales leaders need access to timely, actionable insights to drive success. By implementing these five HubSpot sales reports in your CRM, you can gain a deeper understanding of your team's performance, streamline your sales processes, and make data-driven decisions that propel your business forward. Remember, the key to leveraging these reports effectively lies not just in generating data but in interpreting it intelligently and taking decisive action based on the insights gained. With HubSpot's robust reporting capabilities at your disposal, you're equipped to lead your sales team to greater heights of success.